

Ukiyo-e Heroes by Jed Henry

Artist Jed Henry employs the epic style of ukiyo-e woodblock to interpret the heroic feats of classic video game characters.  The result is a beautiful and poetic amalgamation of visual and popular cultures.

Framed prints available here

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The Final Chapter

Signed / Limited

Origin Story

Signed / Limited

Descent Into Madness

Signed / Limited

The Final Chapter (Framed Print)


Origin Story (Framed Print)


Descent Into Madness (Framed Print)


Trouble Afoot (Framed Print)


Secret of the Spirit Tree (Framed Print)


Swift Kill (Framed Print)


Trouble Afoot

Signed / Limited

Secret of the Spirit Tree

Signed / Limited

Swift Kill

Signed / Limited

I Choose You


(framed woodblock print) The Hero Rests


(framed woodblock print) Fox Moon


(framed woodblock print) Infestation


Yokai Dracul - Print

Signed / Limited

The Queen - Print

Signed / Limited

The Last Arrow - Print

Signed / Limited

The Power of Vanquished Souls - Print

Signed / Limited

The Hero Rests - Print

Signed / Limited

Soul Eater - Print

Signed / Limited

Pocketing a Wager - Print

Signed / Limited

Infestation - Print

Signed / Limited

Fox Moon - Print

Signed / Limited

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