CatRabbit and Isobel Knowles for Jim Henson Tribute

Remember one of the earlier posts when I mentioned there would be more on artists from Australia? Well this is that post. Two lovely Aussie ladies, Cat Rabbit, a crafty feltress, and Isobel Knowles, a paper animation artist, teamed up for their submission to The Lovers, The Dreamers, and Me. Their piece is not only unique because of the collaboration behind it, but it's also our only installation piece. Again, we won't show you the entire piece until the day of the event, but what I can tell you is that the concept required more than just ink and paper - a ukelele, a recorder and a lot of rehearsing was involved. Got a clue yet? Maybe these process shots will help:

If you haven't figured by now the installation is a short video inspired by the work of Jim Henson. Luckily I had the chance to Skype with sweet Isobel in the CatRabbit studio and learned a lot about them and the thought that went into their piece. Isobel shyly takes credit for the songwriting and music composition while both her and Cat constructed the puppets. Their drive to make the video was their admiration for puppeteers, "our video is a tribute to the puppeteers and the culture Jim Henson provided to these people." They especially had a newfound respect for pupeteers afterward, "directing from underneath a puppet was challenging. We learnt a lot about creating working puppets!" Wrapping up our brief Skype meeting, Isobel expressed that it was a fun project to take up in their whirlwind of a schedule. Besides excitedly waiting for the opening of The Lovers, The Dreamers, and Me, Cat and Isobel are focused working on a children's book.



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