FeltMistress for Jim Henson Tribute

Hope everyone enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday!

Our Jim Henson Tribute - The Lovers, The Dreamers, and Me is in just 15 fast-approaching days and there's still plenty to share! The next featured artist goes by "Felt Mistress," and consists of master stitcher Louise Evans and illustrator Jonathan Edwards. The UK-based collaborators and good friends of Mike and Katie from TADO will make their first showcase at Gallery Nucleus for our Jim Henson show, which couldn't be a more perfect introduction. Together they schemed the idea of combining sculptural work with puppetry, "We've made sculptural work in the past and also puppets but this is the first time that we've combined both." They gathered inspiration from their favorite muppet Floyd and took off from there, "Floyd has always been a favourite character of ours so we jumped at the chance to make our own version. We wanted to riff on Floyd's built in Beatles influence and also reference Yellow Submarine animator Heinz Edelmann and the 60s poster art of Milton Glaser." The end result is recognizably Jim Henson influenced touched with the Felt Mistress aesthetic.

We won't reveal the piece in its entirety because a picture just won't do it justice and because it's so awesome you'll have to see it in person. Take a look:

If that wasn't enough, the piece titled "Pepperdelica" comes with a framed print of the original concept art and everything about it is handmade - no glue, just felt, and all amazing! And did we mention it's a functioning puppet?

Is the suspense killing you yet?!

To get a glimpse of their recent work, check out their contribution to Ben Newman's Totem Exhibition and browse their Flickr.



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