Moonshine Exhibit in 1 Week!

On August 14th, Nucleus is pleased to present Moonshine, an exhibition highlighting personal artwork from 30 enormously talented DreamWorks Animation artists.

"Hide and Seek" by Chris Appelhans

Comprised of art directors, production and character designers, and visual development artists, Moonshine originated as a means to showcase personal work--all compiled into book form. DreamWorks Animation artists featured in this book have contributed to blockbuster films like Coraline, Kung Fu Panda, Prince of Egypt, Monsters Inc., Iron Giant, The Incredibles, Ratatouille, and Monster House--to name only a few. Many of the contributing artists have also been nominated for an Annie Award, the highest honor given for excellence in animation.

Sponsored by DreamWorks Animation, the Moonshine show exhibits work straight from the book's pages as well as pieces created specifically for this event. In addition to many artists in attendance, opening night festivities include food vendors and special raffle giveaways, with chances to win a private tour of DreamWorks Animation, original sketches, and DreamWorks merchandise.

And if you pre-order the Moonshine book on opening night, we'll give you 10% off!

Save the date!

Opening Reception
Saturday, August 14th
7- 11pm
$2 admission ticket = one raffle ticket

Stay tuned for some artist spotlights, as we count down the days to opening night!



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