Ravan finally entered the battlefield. The monkeys and demons withdrew as Ram and Raven came face to face. The gods gathered in the sky and the serpents arose under the earth to see this great battle. Both Ram and Ravan raised there bows. The fight was fierce. Ravan shot hundreds of arrows towards Ram. Ram shattered them with his own arrows before they even came near him. Raven too destroyed arrows released by Ram. Ram's arrows did manage to cut one of Ravan's heads. But to his astonishment the head replaced itself. "Why is it so?" asked Ram. "Because." whispered Vibhishan, "he has a hidden pot of amrit, the nectar of immortality, in his navel." " To shoot below an enemy's neck would be inappropriate," said Ram, quoting the rules of war. He shot yet another arrow towards Ravan's chest. Hanuman then invoked his father, Vayu, the wind god, who caused a blast of breeze to suddenly appear on the battlefield and force Ram's arrow to change direction towards Ravan's navel. Escaping all of Ravan's attempts to stop it, the arrow piereced Ravana's naval and shattered the hidden pot of amrit. Deprived of his power Ravan finally became mortal.